Neonatal Cardiomyocyte Isolation
With the highest yield


Cat#: nc-6031


neonatal cardiomyocytes


The Right Strategy for Scientists

Most of the methods about the neonatal rat or mouse myocyte isolation are not only time and labor consuming processes, but also produce low cell viability which researchers most concern about.

Scientists who need more cells to investigate the cellular and molecular mechanisms of cell growth, differentiation and death will find low yield of cells impossible for their experiments.

The High Performance System

With the newly updated myocyte isolation system, you will completely eliminate all of these problems and get most healthy and maximum yield neonatal cardiomyocytes within one hour.

Neonatal rat or mouse cardiomyocyte isolation system is Risk Free with Satisfaction Guaranteed.


Isolation Steps


  Cat #   Size   Price
  Neomyt Kit   nc-6031   6 rxns   $ 435.76
  SureCoat(For coating the culture plates)   sc-9035   500 ml

  $ 124.95

  NS medium (with  serum)   m-8031   500 ml

  $ 194.25

  NW medium (without serum)

  m-8032   500 ml   $ 135.45
  Fibroblast Inhibitor


*Fibroblast inhibitor is a thymidine analogue incorporated into DNA, and it routinely and extensively used to measure DNA synthesis and to label dividing cells. Consequently, the fibroblast inhibitor is used to study cell signaling and other processes that induce cell proliferation.


  B-0820   1 ml

  $ 68.95

* 1 rxn can do 5 - 35 neonatal rat hearts, 20 - 80 mouse hearts 

  NS medium and NW medium are not included in the Neomyt kit


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Cellutron Life Technologies






Cell Service


Cardiomyocyte isolation


Stable cell line development


Gene Service


Gene Knockdown


Inducible miRNA expression


Minicircle Expression Vectors


miRNA expression vectors  




Terms and conditions  





All Cellutron products should be used only in accordance with labels on the products and other products literature made available.
All Cellutron products are labeled “For Research Use Only”. Products are not approved for human or veterinary use or for application to humans.

